Happy Valentine’s week! Extend your love for your spouse, with our Gluten Free Vegan Chocolate Chip Pancakes Recipe!

MIX together the wet ingredients in a bowl,
- 1/4 banana, mashed
- 3 Tbsp non-dairy milk (or use almond milk)
- 1 egg OR 1 flax egg (for vegan)
- 1 Tbsp avocado or coconut oil
- Splash of vanilla
ONCE mixed together you add the dry ingredients,
- 3 Tbsp flour (whole wheat, oat or almond)
- 1 scoop protein (i use @nuzest_usa, optional)
- 1 tsp each baking powder
MIX all together, then add in your chocolate chips
#ChiropracticWellnessCenter #CWC #CES #MFRT #weekend #recipes #valentinesweek #lovedone #healthyeats #vegan #glutenfree #healthyrecipe #spokane
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Chiropractic Wellness Center | 618 N Sullivan Rd #21, Spokane Valley WA | 509-926-7789